Management Profile

Management Profile

Our Management

Our management team at BBS Moga consists of seasoned professionals dedicated to driving educational excellence.
Their collective expertise and leadership ensure that we provide a top-notch learning experience and foster a supportive environment for our students.

Mrs. Kamal Saini


My aim focuses on making BBS a platform to home the creative as well as intellectual sides of the student’s persona. I am predetermined to provide a truly enriching and stimulating environment to contribute to the overall development of every individual child, a conductive environment that nourishes overt talents and brings out latent ones. I believe in making my scholars, leaders and visionaries that through the times their names and deeds remain etched in history.

I aim for in my students value consciousness, ethics, honesty, compassion, dynamism and entrepreneurship, as together they will personify the leaders of the millennium.

I teach my children not to trust the clouds but to trust the sunshine, not to set their compass by the flash of lighting but to set it by the stars. Trust the Sun and not the shadows. To believe in their faith, to doubt their doubts. To believe in their dreams not in despairing thoughts. Trust in their hopes never in their hurts and they will move eventually, inspiringly to the faith’s cresenting phase. Their mountaintops will be scaled success finally achieved.

A teacher affects eternity, in a student’s life in influence in uncomprehending. I believe in empowering minds that shape the lives of children. The essence of this message is that the Blooming Budder’s are trained to carve out their own niche onto the emerging global canvas BBS certainly chisels a scholar to the fullest of his perfection.

Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Saini

Director / Secretary

The world is changing at a very fast pace and it therefore becomes imperative to keep up with its rapidly evolving and dynamic state. Change that is noticeable and very distinctly felt in all walks of life, and this change is paying a pivotal role in transforming the educational scenario to such an unimaginable extent, that who cannot keep pace with its rapid stride are either falling sideways or have lost their very existence in oblivion.

With education going global across the length and breadth of the country, it was bly felt that the students of this city are not deprived of the benefits of receiving education of global standards along with the Indian morals. It is in this vision that we have brought a positive progressive change in our school which is reflected in our Scholars who are confident, aware, and ready to ready to face the new educational world.

The path is not easy, because success is short lived and failure an imminent reality, but the one who learns even from one’s failures and does not take success for granted, is the one who is indeed a leader in the real sense of the word.

It is our collective responsibility to foster, nurture and guide our scholars to become such leaders in the times to come and take India to new levels of gloary all we need is faith in ourselves, determination in our hearts and strong dedication towards our work.


Mrs. Hamiliya Rani


This school came into being in 1994 and since then it has been fore-runner in many aspects. As we celebrate the remarkable services of our school I must express profound gratitude to its founder members who established this school to cater to the educational needs of the children of this area.

I also feel highly grateful to the caring and selfless hardworking members of the Management Committee specially Mr. S.K. Saini (General Secretary) and Mrs. K.Saini (Chair Person) of Jehova Jireh Educational Society to help uplift this school. Without their assistance we would not have been where we are now providing students the state-of-art facilities and infrastructure of international level. Their faith and dream about the school has now come true after the school got its affiliation to CBSE.

To the students of BBS with cherished dreams my message is that this is only the first step, there is lot to follow, much more to be achieved.

Greater it is to dream, but greater still is to strive.
Hard to make it a REALITY.

Visualizing my school at the zenith of achievements, beholding her jewels, let us all who are associated with BBS resolve this day that we will never allow any evils of communalism, untruth or intolerance Triumph over the precious lives of the blooming buds who are entrusted in our hands with great faith and assurance. I want to see BBS soaring high in all forms and aspects by providing them a solid ground to build their precious career and further to enable them to face the competitive world without any fear or hesitation an feel proud to be a part of BBS.

You the students who are the enlightened candles enable yourselves to light the paths of many and be the trend setters and the fore-runner as you march higher every day towards your goal. God has been gracious to us throughout our past and He’ll guide us and shower His blessings on us in the years to come. With prayers in our minds we press forward in this new session with clear insight and strong determination to excel each endeavor.

May God bless you abundantly.

Our management team’s commitment and expertise are central to BBS Moga’s success. Their collective vision and leadership ensure that we continue to offer exceptional education and support, guiding our students towards achieving their full potential.